Biológia, ökológia › Természetvédelem
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Találatok száma: 315
Amidzic, L.; Miljkovic, D. (eds.): Ludas. Jezero na pustari - Tó a pusztán - Lake in the puszta. Javna preduzece "Palic-Ludas" i Zavod za zastitu prirode Srbije, 2002
3 000 Ft
Andrews, J.; Kinsman, D.: Gravel Pit Restoration for Wildlife. Site Managers' Guide. RSPB, é. n.
1 500 Ft
Angelstam, P.: Forests and biodiversity. Council of Europe, 1999
Questions and Answers: 5.
800 Ft
Ábrahám Levente (szerk.): Biomonitoring along the river Drava in Hungary. 2000-2004. Somogy Megyei Múzeumok Igazgatósága, 2006
Natura Somogyiensis: 7.
2 000 Ft
Ángyán, J. (ed.): National Agri-environment Programme for the support of environmentally friendly agricultural production methods ensuring the production of the nature and the preservation of the landscape. Vol. I. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, 1999
1 900 Ft
Batáry, P.; Báldi, A. (eds.): Conservation Biology in Hungary. A directory of organisations in conservation biological research, education and management. Hungarian Natural History Museum; Institute of Ecology and Botany of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2006
900 Ft
Bella, P. (eds.); Jakál, J.: Caves of the World Heritage in Slovakia. State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic, 2008
8 000 Ft
Bennett, G.: The Paneuropean Ecological Network. Council of Europe, 1998
Questions and Answers: 4.
800 Ft
Blasi, C. (ed.): Ecological Information in Italy - Conoscenze naturalistiche in Italia. Ministero dell' Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio; Societá Botanica Italiana, 2003
3 000 Ft
2 000 Ft
Bonnin, M. et al.: The Pan-European Ecological Network: taking stock. Council of Europe Publishing, 2007
Nature and environment: 146.
2 000 Ft
Boros, E.: Alkaline lakes. Authority for Nature Conservation, Ministry of Environment, 2003
National Ecological Network: 4.
600 Ft
Boros, E.; Ecsedi, Z.; Oláh, J.: Ecology and Management of Soda Pans in the Carpathian Basin. Hortobágy Environmental Association, 2013
12 000 Ft
Brad, I.; Miclea, I.: Fiica Dunarii si a marii. Editura Tineretului, 1966
2 600 Ft
Brändli, U.-B.; Dovhanych, Y.; Commarmot, B.: Virgin Forest of Uholka. Nature Guide to the Largest Virgin Beech Forest of Europe. A UNESCO World Heritage Site. Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL); Carpathian Biosphere Reserve, 2008
1 000 Ft
Brockington, D.; Duffy, R.; Igoe, J.: Nature Unbound. Conservation, Capitalism and the Future of Protected Areas. Earthscan, 2008
11 000 Ft
Brunner, R.: Parks for Life: Transboundary Protected Areas in Europe. IUCN/WCPA; IUCN/WCPA; IUCN/WCPA; IUCN/WCPA; IUCN/WCPA; IUCN/WCPA, 1999
600 Ft
Buka, L.; Gyarmathy, I.; Papp, L.: Landscape Protection Areas in Hajdú-Bihar County: South-Nyirség Wooded Plainland. Hortobágy National Park Diectorate, é. n.
Daru füzetek
600 Ft
Buka, L.; Gyarmathy, I.; Papp, L.: Landschaftsschutzgebiet Hajdúság. Waldpuszta von Süd-Nyírség. Landschaftsschutzverein Süd-Nyírség-Bihar, é. n.
Daru füzetek
600 Ft
Caputa, A.; Holcik, J.; Berger, Z.: Atlas chránenych zivocíchov Slovenska. Obzor, 1982
Edícia Obrázky z prírody
2 300 Ft
Cerovsky, J. (ed.): Biodiversity Conservation in Transboundary Protected Areas in Europe. Papers presented at the Pan-European Conference on [...]. Ecopoint Praha, 1996
5 000 Ft
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