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Találatok száma: 109
Nagy Eszter: Magyarország neogén sporomorpháinak értékelése = A Comprehensive Study of Neogene Sporomorphs in Hungary. Magyar Állami Földtani Intézet, 1992
Geologica Hungarica - Series palaeontologica: 53.
6 000 Ft
Nagy Eszter: Palynological evidence for Neogene climatic change in Hungary = A magyarországi neogén éghajlati adatai palynológiai kutatások alapján. Geological Institute of Hungary, 2005
Occasional Papers of the Geological Institute of Hungary: 205.
3 400 Ft
Nagy, E.: Palynological Correlation of the Neogene of the Central Parathetys. Geological Institute of Hungary, 1999
3 400 Ft
Neustadt, M. I.; Gudelis, V.: Holocene problems. [Különlenyomat].
600 Ft
Olson, S. L.; Pregill, G. K.; Hilgartner, W. B.: Studies on Fossil and Extant Vertebrates from San Salvador (Watling's) Island, Bahamas. Smithsonian Institution Press, 1990
Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology: 508.
500 Ft
Pécsi, M. (ed.): Pleistocene Environment in Hungary. Contribution of the INQUA Hungarian National Committee to the XIIth INQUA Congress. Geographical Research Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1987
Theory - Methodology - Practice: 42.
2 000 Ft
Pécsi, Márton; Kordos, László (eds.): Holocene Environment in Hungary. Contribution of the INQUA Hungarian National Committee to the XIIth INQUA Congress. Geographical Research Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1987
Theory - Methodology - Practice: 41.
2 000 Ft
Pécsi, Márton; Schweitzer, Ferenc (eds.): Quaternary Environment in Hungary. Akadémiai Kiadó, 1991
Studies in Geography in Hungary: 26.
3 000 Ft
Romans, R. C. (ed.): Geobotany II. Proceedings of the Geobotany Conference held March 1. 1980, at Bowling Green State University, Bowling Geen, Ohio. Plenum Press, 1981
18 000 Ft
10 000 Ft
Romans, R. C. (ed.): Geobotany. Proceedings of the Geobotany Conference held at Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio, February 21, 1976. Plenum Press, 1977
18 000 Ft
Rybnicková, E.: Die Entwicklung der Vegetation und Flora im südlichen Teil der Böhmisch-Mährischen Höhe während des Spätglazials und Holozäns. Academia, 1974
Vegetace CSSR: A 7
14 000 Ft
Schaal, S.; Ziegler, W. (eds.): Messel. Ein Schaufenster in die Geschichte der Erde und des Lebens. Waldemar Kramer, 1988
Senckenberg-Buch: 64.
4 000 Ft
Sidó, M.; Zalányi, B.; Schréter, Z.: Neue Paläontologische Ergebnisse aus dem Oberpaläozoikum des Bükkgebirges. Akadémiai Kiadó, 1974
6 000 Ft
Sós, Á.; Bökönyi, S.: Die Ausgrabungen Géza Fehérs in Zalavár; Die Wirbeltierfauna der Ausgrabungen in Zalavár. Akadémiai Kiadó, 1963
Arhaeologia Hungarica: Series nova: XLI
16 000 Ft
Steiner, W.: Europa in der Urzeit. Die erdgeschichtliche Entwicklung unseres Kontinentes von der Urzeit bis Heute. Mosaik Verlag, 1993
2 800 Ft
Sümegi, P.; Gulyás, S. (eds.): The Geohistory of Bátorliget Marshland. An Example for the Reconstruction of Late Quaternary Environmental Changes and Past Human Impact from the Northeastern Part of the Carpathian Basin. Archaeolingua, 2004
6 800 Ft
Tasnádi Kubacska, A.: Franz Baron Nopcsa. Verlag des Ungarischen Naturwissenschaftlichen Museums, 1945
8 000 Ft
Topál, Gy.: Fossil Bats of the Rhinolophus ferrumequinum Group in Hungary (Mammalia: Chiroptera). [Különlenyomat]. 1979
800 Ft
Venczel, M.: Quaternary Snakes from Bihor (Romania). Tarii Crisurilor Musem, 2000
3 000 Ft
Vörös, A. (ed.): The Pelsonian Substage on the Balaton Highland (Middle Triassic, Hungary). Magyar Állami Földtani Intézet, 2003
Geologica Hungarica - Series palaeontologica: 55.
5 000 Ft
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