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1 800 Ft

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2 500 Ft

5th International Symposium of the Pan-European Ecological Network. Pan-European Ecological Network in forests: Conservation of biodiversity and sustainable management. Proceedings. Council of Europe Publishing, 2004
Environmental Encounters Series: 57.
1 600 Ft

6th international congress on aerobiology; VIII. Congresso Nazionale Associazione Italiana de Aerobiologia. August 31 - September 5, 1998. Perugia, Italy. Abstracts. 1998
600 Ft

A Pilot Network of Small Protected Sites for Plant Species in Bulgaria Using the Plant Micro-Reserve Model - BulPlantNet (LIFE08 Nat/BG/000279). Institut po bioraznoobrazie i ekosistemni izsledvaniya Balgarska akademiya na naukite, 2013
1 600 Ft

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800 Ft

Aerobiologia. The European Journal of Aerobiology: 4.(1988)1/2., 6.(1990)2., 7.(1991)1.,2., 8.(1992)3., 12.(1996)1. Elsevier
800 Ft /füzet
500 Ft /füzet

Assessing biodiversity in Europe - the 2010 report. European Environment Agency, 2010
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1 000 Ft

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1 800 Ft

CITES Handbook. CITES Secretariat, 2001
4 000 Ft

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800 Ft
400 Ft

Community Ecology: 1.(2000)-9.(2008), 10.(2009)1. Hungarian Ecological Society
80 000 Ft
60 000 Ft

Duna-Dráva Nemzeti Park, Béda-Karapancsai tájegység; Park Prirode Kopacki Rit [térkép]. Paulus Térképszerkesztő Iroda, 2004
1 800 Ft

EEA Signals 2011. Globalisation, Environment and You. European Environment Agency, 2011
800 Ft
500 Ft

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2 000 Ft

Europe's ecological backbone: recognising the true value of our mountains. European Environment Agency, 2010
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2 600 Ft

European Geoparks. European Geoparks Network Magazine: 10.(2013). Natural History Museum of the Lesvos Petrified Forest, 2012
500 Ft

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500 Ft

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450 Ft

Exploring Nature Along the Danube River. Donau-Auen National Park, 2011
500 Ft