Biológia, ökológia
Találatok száma: 20
Aerobiologia. The European Journal of Aerobiology: 4.(1988)1/2., 6.(1990)2., 7.(1991)1.,2., 8.(1992)3., 12.(1996)1. Elsevier
800 Ft /füzet
500 Ft /füzet
Coenoses: 14.(1999)1/3. International Center for Theoretical and Applied Ecology
800 Ft
400 Ft
Community Ecology: 1.(2000)-9.(2008), 10.(2009)1. Hungarian Ecological Society
80 000 Ft
60 000 Ft
EEA Signals 2011. Globalisation, Environment and You. European Environment Agency, 2011
800 Ft
500 Ft
Bell, P. R. (ed.): Darwin's Biological Work. Cambridge University Press, 1959
2 500 Ft
1 400 Ft
Biacs, P. A.; Gruiz, K.; Kremmer, T. (eds.): Biological Role of Plant Lipids. Akadémiai Kiadó, 1989
12 000 Ft
8 000 Ft
Blasi, C. (ed.): Ecological Information in Italy - Conoscenze naturalistiche in Italia. Ministero dell' Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio; Societá Botanica Italiana, 2003
3 000 Ft
2 000 Ft
Davis, M. A.: Invasion Biology. Oxford University Press, 2009
14 000 Ft
8 000 Ft
Gerloff, J.; Cholnoky, B. J.: Diatomaceae II. J. Cramer, 1970
Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia: 31.
6 000 Ft
4 000 Ft
Kumari, Erik: Punane raamat. Eesti NSV-s kaitstavaid taime- ja loomaliike. Valgus, 1982
1 700 Ft
900 Ft
Lewontin, R. C. (ed.): Population Biology and Evolution. Proceedings of the International Symposium Sponsored by Syracuse University and the New York State Science and Technology Foundation, June 7-9, 1967, Syracuse, New York. Syracuse University Press, 1968
2 600 Ft
1 800 Ft
Peressotti, A. (ed.): Local Strategies for Land Use Management According to Kyoto Protocol. Exploring new management tools for CO2 sequestration in agricultural lands and forests. Forum Editrice Universitara Udinese, 2007
2 000 Ft
1 500 Ft
Romans, R. C. (ed.): Geobotany II. Proceedings of the Geobotany Conference held March 1. 1980, at Bowling Green State University, Bowling Geen, Ohio. Plenum Press, 1981
18 000 Ft
10 000 Ft
Rosenthal, D. B.: Environmental Science Activities. John Wiley & Sons, 1995
600 Ft
400 Ft
Royle, N. J.; Smiseth, P. T.; Kölliker, M. (eds.): The Evolution of Parental Care. Oxford University Press, 2012
20 000 Ft
18 000 Ft
Schäffer, C.; Eddelbüttel, H.: Erbbiologische Arbeiten. Ergänzungsheft zum Biologischen Arbeitsbuch. B. G. Teubner, 1934
1 200 Ft
800 Ft
Schäffer, C.: Volk und Vererbung. B. G. Teubner, 1937
1 200 Ft
800 Ft
Segerberg, O.: Where have all the Flowers, Fishes, Birds, Trees, Water and Air gone? What Ecology is all about?. David McKay Co., 1971
800 Ft
400 Ft
Thieme, E.: Vererbung, Rasse, Volk. B. G. Teubner, 1937
2 600 Ft
1 400 Ft
Wappler, S.: Philosophische Studien zum Problemkreis Genetik und Evolution. Zur Kritik makroevolutionistischer Theorien. Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1973
900 Ft
600 Ft