Zoológia (ornitológia nélkül) › Arthropoda › Lepidoptera
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Találatok száma: 106
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Leraut, P.: Moths of Europe. Vol. 4.: Pyralids 2. NAP Editions, 2014
Leraut, P.: Moths of Europe. Vol. 5.: Noctuids 1. NAP Editions, 2019
Leraut, P.: Moths of Europe. Vol. 6.: Noctuids 2. NAP Editions, 2019
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Fibigeriana. Book series of Lepidopterology: Vol.1.
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Die Neue Brehm-Bücherei: 34.
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Paolucci, P.: Butterflies and Burnets of the Alps and their larvae, pupae and cocoons. World Biodiversity Association, 2013
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Fauna Republicii Populare Romine: Vol.11., Fasc.1.
Ronkay, G.; Ronkay, L.: Cuculliinae I. Heterocera Press, 2009
The Witt Catalogue. A Taxonomic Atlas of the Eurasian and North African Noctuoidea: Vol. 2.
Ronkay, G.; Gyulai, P.: Cuculliinae II. and Psaphidinae. Heterocera Press, 2011
The Witt Catalogue. A Taxonomic Atlas of the Eurasian and North African Noctuoidea: Vol. 5.
Ronkay, L.; Ronkay, G.; Behounek, G.: Plusiinae I. Heterocera Press, 2008
The Witt Catalogue. A Taxonomic Atlas of the Eurasian and North African Noctuoidea: Vol. 1.
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