Ferrante, M.; Conti, G. O.; Rasic-Milutinovic, Z.; Jovanovic, D.: Health Effects of Metals and Related Substances in Drinking Water. IWA Publishing, 2014
Research Report Series
62 000 Ft

Fersch Attila; Takács Gábor: Fertő-Hanság Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság. Fertő-Hanság Nemzeti Park Ig., 2009
Kócsagvári füzetek
800 Ft

Fintha, i.: The Szatmár-Bereg Plain. Hortobágy National Park Diectorate, é. n.
Daru füzetek
500 Ft

Firbas, F.: Spät- und nacheiszeitliche Waldgeschichte Mitteleuropas nördlich der Alpen. Zweiter Band: Waldgeschichte der einzelnen Landschaften. 2.: Waldgeschichte der einzelnen Landschaften. Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1952
18 000 Ft

Foppen, R. P. B.; Bouwma, I. M.; Kalkhoven, J. T. R.; Dirksen, J.; Opsal, S. van: Corridors of the Pan-European Ecological Network. Concepts and examples for terrestrial and freshwater vertebrates. European Centre for Nature Conservation, 2000
ECNC Technical report series
600 Ft

Főzy, I. (ed.): Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Fauna, Biostratigraphy, Facies and Deformation History of the Carbonate Formations in the Gerecse and Pilis Mountains (Transdanubian Range, Hungary). GeoLitera, 2013
7 500 Ft

Frenzel, B.; Pécsi, Márton; Velichko, A. A. (eds.): Atlas of Paleoclimates and Paleoenvironments of the Northern Hemisphere. Late Pleistocene - Holocene. Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Geographical Research Institute, 1992
36 000 Ft

Frenzel, B. (ed.): Climatic trends and anomalies in Europe 1675-1715. Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1994
Paläoklimaforschung = Palaeoclimate Research: 13.
12 000 Ft

Frenzel, B. (ed.): European climate reconstructed from documentary data: methods and results. Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1992
Paläoklimaforschung = Palaeoclimate Research: 7.
5 000 Ft

Frenzel, B. (ed.): European river activity and climatic change during the Lateglacial and early Holocene. Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1995
Paläoklimaforschung = Palaeoclimate Research: 14.
6 000 Ft

Frenzel, B. (ed.): Evaluation of climate proxy data in relation to the European Holocene. Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1991
Paläoklimaforschung = Palaeoclimate Research: 6.
6 000 Ft

Frenzel, B. (ed.): Evaluation of land surfaces cleared from forests by prehistoric man in Early Neolithic times and the time of migrating Germanic tribes. Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1992
Paläoklimaforschung/Palaeoclimate Research: 8.
6 000 Ft

Frenzel, B. (ed.): Evaluation of land surfaces cleared from forests in the Mediterranean region during the time of the Roman empire. Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1994
Paläoklimaforschung = Palaeoclimate Research: 10.
6 000 Ft

Frenzel, B. (ed.): Evaluation of land surfaces cleared from forests in the Roman Iron Age and the time of migrating Germanic Tribes based on regional pollen diagrams. Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1994
Paläoklimaforschung = Palaeoclimate Research: 12.
7 000 Ft

Frenzel, B. (ed.): Holocene treeline oscillations, dendrochronology and palaeoclimate. Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1996
Paläoklimaforschung = Palaeoclimate Research: 20.
15 000 Ft

Frenzel, B. (ed.): Oscillations of the Alpine and Polar Tree Limits in the Holocene. Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1993
Paläoklimaforschung = Palaeoclimate Research: 9.
6 000 Ft

Frenzel, B. (ed.): Problems of stable isotopes in tree-rings, lake sediments and peat-bogs as climatic evidence for the Holocene. Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1995
Paläoklimaforschung = Palaeoclimate Research: 15.
6 000 Ft

Frenzel, B. (ed.): Solar output and climate during the Holocene. Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1995
Paläoklimaforschung = Palaeoclimate Research: 16.
6 000 Ft

Frenzel, B. (ed.): Solifluction and climatic variation in the Holocene. Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1993
Paläoklimaforschung/Palaeoclimate Research: 11.
6 000 Ft

Frenzel, B. et al. (eds.): Documentary climatic evidence for 1750-1850 and the fourteenth century. Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1998
Paläoklimaforschung = Palaeoclimate Research: 23.
7 000 Ft