Zoology (except ornithology)
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Number of hits: 1035
Tennent, J.: The Butterflies of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. Gem Publishing Company, 1996
Teyssié, F.: Tarantulas of the World. Theraphosidae. NAP Editions, 2015
Tielecke, H.: Der Kornkäfer. A. Ziemsen Verlag, 1952
Die Neue Brehm-Bücherei: 120.
Toldt, K.: Das Haarkleid der Pelztiere. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kleintier- und Pelztierzucht, 1933
Bibliothek für Kleintier- und Pelztierzucht: 10.
Tolman, T.; Lewington, R.: Butterflies of Britain and Europe. Collins Field Guide . Collins, 1997
Tolman, T.; Lewington, R.: Collins Butterfly Guide. The most complete guide to the butterflies of Britain and Europe. Collins, 2009
Tomilin, A. G.: Kitoobraznie. Akademia Nauk SSSR, 1957
Zveri SSSR i prilezhashchih stran: 9.
Trutnau, L.; Sommerland, R.: Crocodilians. Their Natural History & Captive Husbendry. Chimaira, 2006
Trutnau, L.: Europäische Amphibien und Reptilien. Belser, 1975
Tshikolovets, V. V.: Butterflies of Europe and the Mediterranean Area. Tshikolovets Publications, 2011
Tshikolovets, V. V.; Yakovlev, R.; Kosterin, O.: The Butterflies of Altai, Sayans and Tuva (South Siberia). Tshikolovets Publications, 2009
The Butterflies of Palaearctic Asia series‎: 7.
Tshikolovets, V. V.; Nekrutenko, Y.: The Butterflies of Caucasus and Transcaucasia (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Russian Federation). Tshikolovets Publications, 2012
The Butterflies of Palaearctic Asia series‎: 9.
Tshikolovets, V. V.: The Butterflies of Kyrgyzstan. Tshikolovets Publications, 2005
The Butterflies of Palaearctic Asia series‎: 6.
Tshikolovets, V. V.: The Butterflies of Ladak (N.-W. india). Tshikolovets Publications, 2005
The Butterflies of Palaearctic Asia series‎: 5.
Tshikolovets, V. V.: The Butterflies of Middle East (Lebanon, Syria, Israel, Jordan and Egypt (Sinai Peninsula)). Tshikolovets Publications, 2020
The Butterflies of Palaearctic Asia series: 15.
Tshikolovets, V. V.: The Butterflies of Tajikistan. Tshikolovets Publications, 2004
The Butterflies of Palaearctic Asia series‎: 4.
Tshikolovets, V. V.; Bidzilya, A.; Golovushkin, M.: The Butterflies of Transbaikal Siberia. Tshikolovets Publications, 2002
The Butterflies of Palaearctic Asia series‎: 3.
Tshikolovets, V. V.: The Butterflies of Turkmenistan. Tshikolovets Publications, 1998
The Butterflies of Palaearctic Asia series‎: 1.
Tshikolovets, V. V.: The Butterflies of Uzbegistan. Tshikolovets Publications, 2000
The Butterflies of Palaearctic Asia series‎: 2.
Unterholzner, K.; Willenig, R.; Bauer, K.: Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Ährenmaus Mus spicilegus Petényi, 1882. Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2000
Biosystematics and Ecology Series: 17.
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