
Speciile de Tilletia din Romania. Taxonomie, ultrastructura, biologie, combatere. (= Species of Tilletia in Romania. Taxonomy, ultrastructure, biology, control)

Author: Dumitras, V.; Bontea, V.
Title: Speciile de Tilletia din Romania. Taxonomie, ultrastructura, biologie, combatere. (= Species of Tilletia in Romania. Taxonomy, ultrastructure, biology, control)
Publisher: Editura Academiei Romane
Place of publication: Bucuresti
Year of publication: 1991
Description: p.159, 16 ábra, 1 táblázat, +34 ff. fotótábla, pfed., 24 cm. Román nyelven, latin nevekkel. Használt, de jó állapotban
Status: In stock
Price: 3 000 HUF (ca. 7.5 € )