Number of hits: 14
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800 HUF /füzet
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500 HUF /füzet
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Clements, J. F.: The Clements Checklist of the Birds of the World. Helm, 2007
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9 000 HUF
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Evans, M. I. (ed.): Important Bird Areas in the Middle East. BirdLife International, 1995
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5 000 HUF
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2 800 HUF
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6 000 HUF
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3 000 HUF
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Hájek, V.: Urcováni stári a pohlavi nepevcu. 1-2. Okresni vlastivédné muzeum J. A. Komenského v Prerové; Moravské ornitologické sdruzeni; Státni zemedelské nakladatelstvi, 1984
600 HUF
(ca. 1.4 € )

400 HUF
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Heinzel, H.; Fitter, R.; Parslow, J.: Pareys Vogelbuch. Alle Vögel Europas, Nordafrikas und des Mittleren Ostens. Parey, 1977
2 400 HUF
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1 800 HUF
(ca. 4.3 € )
Kluz, Z.: Ochrana ptactva. Moravské ornitologické sdruzeni, 1980
1 500 HUF
(ca. 3.6 € )

800 HUF
(ca. 1.9 € )
Magyar Gábor et al.: Nomenclator avium Hungariae. Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke = An Annotated List of the Birds of Hungary. Winter Fair, 1998
3 000 HUF
(ca. 7.1 € )

1 800 HUF
(ca. 4.3 € )
Péczely, P.: Avian Reproduction: Structure, Function and Molecular Regulation. Agroinform Kiadó, 2017
12 000 HUF
(ca. 28.6 € )

8 000 HUF
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Péczely, P.: The Eco-Physiology of Avian Reproduction. Agroinform Kiadó, 2017
12 000 HUF
(ca. 28.6 € )

8 000 HUF
(ca. 19.0 € )
Schildmacher, H. (ed.): Beiträge zur Kenntnis deutscher Vögel. Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1961
2 500 HUF
(ca. 6.0 € )

1 600 HUF
(ca. 3.8 € )
Töpfler, Till; Heynen, Iris (eds.): Measuring Birds = Vögel vermessen. Deutsche Ornithologen-Gesellschaft, é. n.
7 400 HUF
(ca. 17.6 € )

4 000 HUF
(ca. 9.5 € )
Watson, J.: The Golden Eagle. Poyser, 2010
24 000 HUF
(ca. 57.1 € )

16 000 HUF
(ca. 38.1 € )