Zoology (except ornithology) › Mammals

New record of the black rat (Rattus rattus L.) from Hungary, and a review of its distribution in Central Europe (Mammalia) [Különlenyomat]

Author: Demeter, A.; Jabir, H. A.; Bajomi, D.
Title: New record of the black rat (Rattus rattus L.) from Hungary, and a review of its distribution in Central Europe (Mammalia) [Különlenyomat]
Year of publication: 1985
Description: Különlenyomat. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici: 77.(1985) p.263-267, 1 elterjedési térkép, 1 ff. fotó, 2 táblázat, tűzött, 24 cm. A fedőlapon ceruzás tulajdonosi beírással
Status: In stock
Price: 400 HUF (ca. 1.0 € )