Biology, ecology › Nature conservation
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Number of hits: 315
"Az ember és a természet" nemzetközi fotóművészeti kiállítás. Budapest, 1971. Magyar Fotóművészek Szövetsége, [1971]
1 800 HUF
(ca. 4.4 € )
5th International Symposium of the Pan-European Ecological Network. Pan-European Ecological Network in forests: Conservation of biodiversity and sustainable management. Proceedings. Council of Europe Publishing, 2004
Environmental Encounters Series: 57.
1 600 HUF
(ca. 3.9 € )
A Pilot Network of Small Protected Sites for Plant Species in Bulgaria Using the Plant Micro-Reserve Model - BulPlantNet (LIFE08 Nat/BG/000279). Institut po bioraznoobrazie i ekosistemni izsledvaniya Balgarska akademiya na naukite, 2013
1 600 HUF
(ca. 3.9 € )
Act No. LIII. of 1996 on Nature Conservation in Hungary. Authority for Nature Conservation, Ministry for Environment and Regional Policy, é. n.
800 HUF
(ca. 1.9 € )
Assessing biodiversity in Europe - the 2010 report. European Environment Agency, 2010
EEA Report: 5/2010
1 000 HUF
(ca. 2.4 € )
Bükki Nemzeti Park [térkép]. Paulus Térképszerkesztő Iroda, 2001
1 800 HUF
(ca. 4.4 € )
CITES Handbook. CITES Secretariat, 2001
4 000 HUF
(ca. 9.7 € )
Duna-Dráva Nemzeti Park, Béda-Karapancsai tájegység; Park Prirode Kopacki Rit [térkép]. Paulus Térképszerkesztő Iroda, 2004
1 800 HUF
(ca. 4.4 € )
EEA Signals 2011. Globalisation, Environment and You. European Environment Agency, 2011
800 HUF
(ca. 1.9 € )

500 HUF
(ca. 1.2 € )
Europe's ecological backbone: recognising the true value of our mountains. European Environment Agency, 2010
EEA Report: 6/2010
2 600 HUF
(ca. 6.3 € )
European Geoparks. European Geoparks Network Magazine: 10.(2013). Natural History Museum of the Lesvos Petrified Forest, 2012
500 HUF
(ca. 1.2 € )
European Geoparks. European Geoparks Network Magazine: 11.(2014). Natural History Museum of the Lesvos Petrified Forest, 2012
500 HUF
(ca. 1.2 € )
European Geoparks. European Geoparks Network Magazine: 9.(2012). Natural History Museum of the Lesvos Petrified Forest, 2012
450 HUF
(ca. 1.1 € )
Exploring Nature Along the Danube River. Donau-Auen National Park, 2011
500 HUF
(ca. 1.2 € )
Fertő-Hanság Nemzeti Park. [Térkép]. Paulus Térképszerkesztő Iroda, 2001
1 800 HUF
(ca. 4.4 € )
Feuchtgebietsschutz und Naturschutzmanagement in Nordost-Griechenland - dargestellt am Beispiel des Nestos-Deltas. Ergebnisse eines internationalen Seminars. Akademie für Natur- und Umweltschutz beim Ministerium für Umwelt Baden-Württemberg; Stiftung Europäisches Naturerbe; Griechischen Gesellschaft für Naturschutz und Ökologische Landesentwicklung, 1990
Beiträge der Akademie für Natur- und Umweltschutz Baden-Württemberg: 6.
1 600 HUF
(ca. 3.9 € )
Guidance on Water and Adaptation to Climate Change. United Nations, 2009
United Nations Publications
2 000 HUF
(ca. 4.9 € )
Lednické Rybníky = The Lednice Fishponds. Nature Instruction Trail. Regional State Centre for the Conservation of Historical Relics and the Protection of Nature
1 200 HUF
(ca. 2.9 € )
Magyarország nemzeti parkjai [térképek]. Paulus Térképszerkesztő Iroda, 2001-2004
22 000 HUF
(ca. 53.4 € )
Mensch und Natur in der europäischen Gross-Stadt. Europagespräch 1970. Jugend und Volk, 1970
1 800 HUF
(ca. 4.4 € )
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