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Number of hits: 109
Székely, Levente: Lepidopterele (fluturii) din Delta Dunarii. (Insecta: Lepidoptera). Disz Tipo, 2006
3 500 HUF
(ca. 8.5 € )
Tshikolovets, V. V.: Butterflies of Eastern Europe, Urals and Caucasus. An illustrated guide. Szerzői kiadás, 2003
19 500 HUF
(ca. 47.3 € )
Tshikolovets, V. V.; Yakovlev, R.; Bálint, Zs.: The Butterflies of Mongolia. Tshikolovets Publications, 2009
The Butterflies of Palaearctic Asia series: 8.
43 000 HUF
(ca. 104.4 € )
Varga Zoltán (szerk.): Natura 2000 fajok kutatásai. I. tanulmánykötet = Natura 2000 Species Studies. Vol.1. Dél-Nyírség-Bihari Tájvédelmi és Kulturális Értékőrző Egyesület, 2006
5 600 HUF
(ca. 13.6 € )

3 500 HUF
(ca. 8.5 € )
Voisin, L.: West Palaearctic Papilionidae. 27 sp. in natura. K. n., 2022
20 000 HUF
(ca. 48.5 € )
Young, M.: The Natural History of Moths. Poyser, 1997
13 000 HUF
(ca. 31.6 € )
Field Guide to the Animals of Britain. Reader's Digest Association, 1986
Reader's Digest Nature Lover's Library
Field Guide to the Birds of Britain. Reader's Digest Association, 1986
Reader's Digest Nature Lover's Library
Field Guide to the Butterflies and other Insects of Britain. Reader's Digest Association, 1985
Reader's Digest Nature Lover's Library
Field Guide to the Trees and Shrubs of Britain. Reader's Digest Association, 1988
Reader's Digest Nature Lover's Library
Field Guide to the Trees and Shrubs of Britain. Reader's Digest Association, 1986
Reader's Digest Nature Lover's Library
The conservation of butterflies. Nature Conservanvancy Council, 1988
Ábrahám Levente (szerk.): Nappali lepke atlasz = Atlas dnevnih metuljev = Butterfly atlas. Őrség, Goricko. Örségi Nemzeti Park Ig., 2012
Barbour, D.; Moran, S.; Mainwood, T.; Slater, B.: Atlas of Butterflies in Highland and Moray. Butterfly Conservation Highland Branch; Highland Biological Recording Group, é. n.
Bergmann, A.: Die Grossschmetterlinge Mitteldeutschlands. Band 5/1-2.: Spanner. Verbreitung, Formen und Lebensgemeinschaften. Urania-Verlag, 1955
Bozano, G. C.; Floriani, A.: Guide to the Butterflies of the Palearctic Region. Nymphalidae part V.: Subfamily Nymphalinae. Tribes Nymphalini, Kallimini, Junoniini. Omnes Artes, 2012
Bräu, M.; Bolz, R.; Kolbeck, H.; Nunner, A.; Voith, J.; Wolf, W.: Tagfalter in Bayern. Ulmer, 2013
Clancy, S.; Top-Jensen, M.; Fibiger, M.: Moths of Great Britain and Ireland. A field guide to all the macromoths. BugBook Publishing, 2012
Danesch, O.; Dierl, W.: Papillons diurnes. Adaptation francaise par Roger Husson. Hatier, 1967
Danesch, O.; Dierl, W.: Papillons nocturnes. Adaptation francaise par Charles Boursin. Hatier, 1971
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