Biology, ecology
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Number of hits: 669
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Wagner, F. H.: Wildlife of the deserts. Harry N. Abrams, 1984
Wildlife habitat series
Ward, D.: The Biology of Deserts. Oxford University Press, 2009
The Biology of Habitats
Ward, P. D.: Rivers in Time. The Search for Clues to Earth's Mass Extinctions. Columbia University Press, 1994
Wit, P.; Bouman, I.: The tale of the Przewalski's horse. Coming home to Mongolia. KNNV Publishing, 2006
Zoysa, N. de; Raheem, R.: Sinharaja. A Rain Forest in Sri Lanka. March for Conservation, 1990
Zólyomi Bálint; Précsényi István: Pollenstatistische analyse der Teichablagerungen des Mittelalterlichen Klosters bei Pilisszentkereszt. Vergleich mit dem Grundprofil des Balaton. 1985
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