Zoology (except ornithology) › Mollusca

A multivariate analysis of snail distributions in the Bükk Mountains, Hungary. [Különlenyomat]

Author: Podani, J.; Bába, K.
Title: A multivariate analysis of snail distributions in the Bükk Mountains, Hungary. [Különlenyomat]
Year of publication: 1992
Description: Külömlenyomat. In: E. Gittenberger & J. Gomd (eds.): Proceedings of the 9th Malacological Congress. Leiden, 1992. p.35-40, tűzött, 24 cm. Bába Károly Simon Tibornak címzett dedikálásával. Jó állapotban
Status: In stock
Price: 600 HUF (ca. 1.5 € )