6 000 HUF
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Nease, J. (ed.): Man's Control of the Environment. To determine his survival... or to lay waste his planet. Congressional Quarterly Inc., 1970
600 HUF
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400 HUF
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400 HUF
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Parry, M. l. (ed.): Assessment of Potential Effects and Adaptations for Climate Change in Europe. The Europe Acacia Project. Jackson Environment Institute, University of East Anglia, 2000
6 000 HUF
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Pálvölgyi, T.; Vattai, G. (eds.): Hungary: Inventories, Stabilisation and Scenarios of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals. Second National Communication of Commitments under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Hungarian Commission on Sustainable Development, 1997
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Reymond, M.: Illustrierte Entwicklungsgeschichte der Natur. Nach dem heutigen Stande der Wissenschaft und unter Benutzung der besten Quellen dargestellt von ~. Oestrgaar, é. n
2 000 HUF
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1 000 HUF
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Ricq, C.: Handbook on transfrontier co-operation for local and regional authorities in Europe. Council of Europe, 1996
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1 400 HUF
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Suchara, I. (et al.): Mapping of Main Sources of Pollutants and their Transport in the Visegrad Space. Part I.: Eight Toxic Metals. Report of the expert group on bio-monitoring the atmospheric deposition loads in the Visegrad countries. Vyzkumny ústav Silva Taroucy pro krajinu a okrasné zahradnictvi, 2007
3 400 HUF
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(ca. 8.1 € )
800 HUF
(ca. 1.9 € )
(ca. 1.9 € )
Vásárhelyi, T.; Victor, A. (eds.): Hungarian Environmental Education Strategy. Pillars. Hungarian Society for Environmental Education, 2000
1 500 HUF
(ca. 3.6 € )
(ca. 3.6 € )
Walz, K.: Das Mohnbuch. Liebeserklärung an eine florale Schönheit. Mit vollwertigen Rezepten von süss bis deftig. Pala Verlag, 2013
7 500 HUF
(ca. 17.9 € )
(ca. 17.9 € )
Wilhelm Z. (eds.); Ronczyk, L.; Tóth, J.: Sustainable Triangle 1. Pécs - Graz - Maribor. Sciences, Municipalities, Companies for the Sustainable Future. University of Pécs, 2006
2 800 HUF
(ca. 6.7 € )
(ca. 6.7 € )
Winters, Hans-Christian: Im Reich des wilden Jägers. Heinrich Sohnrey erzählt aus dem Solling. Eine Auswahl aus "Die Sollinger" (1923) und "Tchiff tchaff toho!" (1929). Verlag Göttingen Tageblatt, 1984
2 600 HUF
(ca. 6.2 € )
(ca. 6.2 € )
Zubrow, E. B. W.; Fritz, M. C.; Fritz, J. M. (eds.): New World Archaeology: Theoretical and Cultural Transformations. W. H. Freeman and Co., 1974
Readings from Scientific American
Readings from Scientific American
900 HUF
(ca. 2.1 € )
500 HUF
(ca. 1.2 € )
(ca. 2.1 € )
500 HUF
(ca. 1.2 € )
Gencsi Zoltán: Megmaradásunk jelképe a magyar szürke - Die Geschichte des ungarischen Graurindes. Nemzeti Agrárszaktanácsadási Képzési és Vidékfejlesztési Intézet, é. n.
2 500 HUF
(ca. 6.0 € )
(ca. 6.0 € )