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Number of hits: 174
Hyung-Seop Kim: Algal Flora of Korea. Vol. 4., Nr. 8.: Rhodophyta: Florideophyceae: Rhodymeniales, Bonnemaisoniales, Sebdeniales, Peyssonneliales. Marine Red Algae. National Institute of Biological Resources, 2013
Flora and Fauna of Korea
4 500 HUF
(ca. 11.3 € )
Jäger, G.: Das Leben im Wasser und das Aquarium. Vereinsbuchhandlung, 1868
5 000 HUF
(ca. 12.5 € )
Jin Hwan Lee: Algal Flora of Korea. Vol. 3., Nr. 12.: Chrysophyta: Bacillariophyceae: Centrales: Coscinodiscaceae, Hemidiscaceae, Heliopeltaceae, Biddulphiaceae. Marine Diatoms III. National Institute of Biological Resources, 2013
Flora and Fauna of Korea
3 500 HUF
(ca. 8.8 € )
Jin Hwan Lee: Algal Flora of Korea. Vol. 3., Nr. 14.: Chrysophyta: Bacillariophyceae: Centrales: Thalassiosiraceae, Melosiraceae, Asterolampraceae, Lithodesmiaceae, and Eupodiscaceae. Marine Diatoms IV. National Institute of Biological Resources, 2015
Flora and Fauna of Korea
3 500 HUF
(ca. 8.8 € )
Joh, G.: Algal Flora of Korea. Vol. 3., Nr. 11.: Chrysophyta: Bacillariophyceae: Pennales: Raphidineae: Naviculaceae: Caloneis II, Pinnularia II. Freashwater Diatoms XI. National Institute of Biological Resources, 2013
Flora and Fauna of Korea
3 500 HUF
(ca. 8.8 € )
Joh, G.: Algal Flora of Korea. Vol. 3., Nr. 13.: Chrysophyta: Bacillariophyceae: Pennales: Raphidineae: Naviculaceae: Anomoeoneis et al. Freashwater Diatoms X. National Institute of Biological Resources, 2015
Flora and Fauna of Korea
3 500 HUF
(ca. 8.8 € )
Joh, G.: Algal Flora of Korea. Vol. 3., Nr. 15.: Chrysophyta: Bacillariophyceae: Pennales: Raphidineae: Naviculaceae: Stauroneis, Craspedostauros, Caloneis II, Pinnularia III. Freashwater Diatoms XI. National Institute of Biological Resources, 2015
Flora and Fauna of Korea
3 500 HUF
(ca. 8.8 € )
Keller, K.: A tenger élete. K. M. Természettud. Társulat, 1897
8 000 HUF
(ca. 20.0 € )
Ki Wan Nam ; Pil Joon Kang: Algal Flora of Korea. Vol. 4., Nr. 11.: Rhodophyta: Florideophyceae: Gigartinales: Gigartinaceae, Cystocloniaceae, Kallymeniaceae. Marine Red Algae. National Institute of Biological Resources, 2015
Flora and Fauna of Korea
4 500 HUF
(ca. 11.3 € )
Ki Wan Nam ; Pil Joon Kang: Algal Flora of Korea. Vol. 4., Nr. 9.: Rhodophyta: Florideophyceae: Halymeniales; Halymeniaceae, Tsengiaceae. Marine Red Algae. National Institute of Biological Resources, 2013
Flora and Fauna of Korea
4 500 HUF
(ca. 11.3 € )
Kriska György: Édesvízi gerinctelenek Közép-Európában. Határozó videókkal. Flaccus Kiadó, 2022
11 000 HUF
(ca. 27.5 € )
Langer Sándor: A Spirogyra nitida (Dillwyn) Link kúszó mozgásai. [Különlenyomat]. 1930
1 000 HUF
(ca. 2.5 € )
Liepolt, R.: Limnologie der Donau. Eine monographische Darstellung. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1967
18 000 HUF
(ca. 45.0 € )
Literáthy, P.; Koller-Kreimel, V.; Liska, I. (eds.): Joint Danube Survey. Technical Report of the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River. September 2002. International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River, é. n.
9 900 HUF
(ca. 24.8 € )
Lokhorst, G. M.: Comparative Taxonomic Studies on the Genus Klebsormidium (Charophyceae) in Europe. Gustav Fischer, 1996
Cryptogamic Studies: 5.
6 000 HUF
(ca. 15.0 € )
Lovas Béla: Édesvízi parányok 1. (Növények). Móra Ferenc Könyvkiadó, 1990
Búvár zsebkönyvek
2 000 HUF
(ca. 5.0 € )
Lukács Dezső: Ifj. Entz Géza. Akadémiai Kiadó, 1984
A múlt magyar tudósai
1 500 HUF
(ca. 3.8 € )
Németh József: Az ostoros algák (Euglenophyta) kishatározója. 1. kötet. Környezetgazdálkodási Intézet, 1997
Vízi Természet- és Környezetvédelem: 3.
2 500 HUF
(ca. 6.3 € )
Ok Min Lee: Algal Flora of Korea. Vol. 6., Nr. 5.: Charopyta: Conjugatophyceae: Desmidiales: Desmidiaceae: Genus Cosmarium. Freshwater Green Algae. National Institute of Biological Resources, 2013
Flora and Fauna of Korea
4 500 HUF
(ca. 11.3 € )
Ok Min Lee: Algal Flora of Korea. Vol. 6., Nr. 6.: Charopyta: Conjugatophyceae (Desmidiales III): Desmidiales: Desmidiaceae: Staurodesmus and Staurastrum I. Freshwater Green Algae. National Institute of Biological Resources, 2015
Flora and Fauna of Korea
4 500 HUF
(ca. 11.3 € )
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